New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center

Facelift vs Brow Lift for Facial Rejuvenation

Brow Lift or Facelift

Sagging skin on the face and forehead is the result of gravity pulling down on tissue that is no longer properly supported. The visual symptoms are forehead folds and wrinkles, sagging skin on the jaws, and droopy eyelids. If you are experiencing loose forehead skin, you may want to consider a brow lift. This procedure is relatively simple and involves stretching the skin above the eye level. The lower one-third of the face can be pulled taut by a facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy. This is also an outpatient procedure that involves minimally invasive incisions and a removal of excess tissue. We determine which procedure is best after consulting with the client and performing a close inspection of the facial tissues.

Choosing a Brow Lift Procedure

When skin sags on the forehead, it can actually cause the skin on the eyelids to droop. It can also cause sagging of the skin on the nose as well. When properly performed, a brow lift can stretch the skin on the upper eyelids, restoring it to an elevated level.

A brow lift may involve using smaller incisions to allow for a faster healing process.

Do You Need a Full Facelift?

A facelift involves making incisions in the hairline. We tailor each procedure to our patients’ needs. Contact us about how we can customize the procedure for you.

A local anesthesia or sedation may be used in a brow lift. Treatment time may vary.

Things You Should Know
Before scheduling a facelift or brow lift treatment procedure, we consult with our clients and inform

them about pre-treatment preparations. We may ask the client to abstain from alcohol, medications, or pain pills some time prior to treatment. The hair may have to be trimmed in order for the skin to be visible at the incision points.

Deciding Which Procedure is Best

Contact New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center today to schedule a consultation. During this time, we will be able to examine the facial skin and muscles, look closely at the shape and thickness of the eyelids. This way, we can determine which type of lift procedure will give the best possible results.

Our practice is dedicated to helping patients with their various needs, and we offer a number of services including BOTOX®, laser hair removal, rhinoplasty, Restylane, and more to accomplish this goal. Get started now.

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