New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center

How is Rhinoplasty Performed?


Whether you have a crooked nose or you’re having health issues related to your nose, rhinoplasty can be beneficial. Before the procedure, our doctor can determine exactly what’s going on with your nose and come up with a customized procedure for you that aims to help you reach your goals. If the surgery is being performed because of cosmetic reasons, then certain tests might not be needed. It all depends on the unique situation.

Rhinoplasty is usually performed as an outpatient surgery, as you can usually go home the same day. Once you arrive at the center for your rhinoplasty, you’ll be taken to a room where you’ll get prepared for the procedure. The type of techniques used during the actual procedure will depend on exactly what needs to be done. If your nose is too large for your liking, then part of the cartilage or bone can be removed before the nose is reshaped to give you the smaller shape that you desire. In order to get the correct shape for your nose, some of the cartilage from the septum could be used.

Rhinoplasty can be performed if you have a deviated septum, which means that the middle portion of your nose isn’t aligned. You might feel this as a small bump or bulge on one side of your nose compared to the other. When your septum has deviated to one side, it can often impact your breathing and can sometimes cause more sinus infections. The surgery will aid in correcting this issue while giving you a straight nose in the process.

Since rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure, a recovery period is involved. It’s important to follow our team’s instructions regarding aftercare during this time in order to get the best results. Once you have fully recovered, you can enjoy the results of the procedure for years to come. You might even be surprised at just how much the procedure improves your quality of life.

Reach out to the team at New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center to discuss the issues that you’re experiencing with your nose and learn more about how rhinoplasty is performed. Our team in Weymouth would be more than happy to evaluate your case. Contact our office today to book a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!

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