New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center

How Long Does It Take To Recover From a Septoplasty?

Septoplasty is a safe, effective procedure designed to correct a deviated septum. At New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center in Weymouth, MA, Dr. John B. Lazor MD, MBA, FACS offers this procedure because he is passionate about helping his clients live their best possible life. If you struggle with difficulty breathing, nasal discharge, or congestion, this procedure may benefit you. Read on to discover how long the recovery takes and much more.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From a Septoplasty? 

The time you will need to recover from septoplasty can vary based on several factors. However, you can generally expect to recover fully in a month or two. In terms of actual downtime needed, you should only need to take five days off from work to dedicate to recovering from surgery. However, if you have a physically strenuous job, it may be better for you to take two weeks off from work.

What Should I Expect During My Recovery Process? 

Once your procedure is complete, you will be moved to a private comfortable recovery room where you will be observed for a few hours. Once you are sufficiently alert, we will review your recovery guidelines with you. Then, you will be free to be driven home. You will not be able to drive within 24 hours of being anesthetized due to the drug’s potential to affect your alertness significantly. You also won’t be able to drive for 24 hours after taking prescription analgesics.

Ideally, you should have someone stay home with you for one to three days after your deviated septum repair. You should not be surprised if you only feel like lying in bed for at least a day after surgery. However, it is crucial that you stay hydrated and nourished. If you don’t feel like getting up to get yourself a drink or make a nourishing meal, ask a loved one for help.

What Can I Do To Help Myself Recover Faster? 

To recover from septoplasty as quickly as possible, you must allow yourself ample time for rest and recovery during the first three to five days following surgery. During this time, you should avoid vigorous cardio, lifting heavy weights, and other forms of strenuous physical activity. However, you can get gentle aerobic exercise as soon as you’re feeling up to it. Four to six weeks post-op, you should be able to resume your usual routine.

Another effective step you can take to help yourself recover from surgery faster is to keep your head elevated while you are resting and sleeping. Furthermore, you should avoid spicy foods to mitigate the risk of irritating your sinuses or nose as it is healing. Additionally, you should wear contacts rather than glasses for a few weeks to minimize the amount of pressure the bridge of your nose is exposed to.

How Should I Keep My Surgical Site Clean? 

We will advise you on how to keep your surgical site clean during your initial consultation and review your instructions after surgery. One thing you will need to do is to bathe instead of showering. This is important because your bandages should not get wet. It is also important that you keep your nostrils and nose clean by dabbing the areas with a cotton swab. You should wash your face with a damp cloth that is not too hot.

What Are the Benefits of This Procedure? 

There are many benefits you can enjoy if you undergo septoplasty. For example, you will suffer from less frequent sinus infections because your sinuses will be able to drain more efficiently. Additionally, you will be able to breathe much better if you have breathing difficulties due to nasal polyps, a deviated septum, or a similar condition. Furthermore, snoring can be eliminated, drastically improving your sleep quality.

Am I a Good Candidate for This Procedure? 

This procedure may be appropriate for you if you have difficulty breathing or chronic nasal congestion due to a deviated septum. It is even more likely that you will be considered a good candidate for this procedure if you have tried nasal dilators or sprays or antihistamines but have failed to find relief. However, you need to meet with a qualified surgeon to discuss your health and have your concerns evaluated to confirm you’re a good candidate.

You must be able to follow all preparation guidelines to be considered a good candidate for this procedure. For example, you will not be able to smoke or drink alcohol for some time before and after your surgery. Furthermore, you will not be allowed to take any blood-thinning drugs or supplements.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

As a general rule of thumb, you can expect to require a month or two before you make a full septoplasty recovery. However, you should only require a week of downtime. To recover from surgery as quickly as possible, it is crucial that you rest, hydrate, and stay nourished. To find out if this procedure is appropriate for you, contact us now at New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center in Weymouth, MA to schedule an initial evaluation with Dr. Lazor. 

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