New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center

How Long Is Recovery After an Eyelid Lift?

At New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center in Weymouth, MA, we are proud to offer a wide range of anti-aging procedures and treatments to help our clients restore their youthful visage. One of the most popular anti-aging procedures we offer is blepharoplasty, known colloquially as an eyelid lift. Today, we’re taking a closer look at this treatment, including how long the recovery lasts and what you can expect during the recovery process.

How Long Is Recovery After an Eyelid Lift? 

Generally, you can expect to need a week or two to dedicate to eyelid lift recovery. Typically, after 10 to 14 days, you can go back to work if you feel up to it, but it may take up to three months for you to enjoy your final results. Keep in mind, there are several factors that affect how long an individual’s recovery process lasts. One factor is the scope of the procedure.

For example, you can expect to recover enough to return to work sooner if you got a lower lid lift rather than upper and lower lid lifts. You can also generally expect to recover faster if you are relatively young and healthy. Another factor affecting your recovery timeline is how well you follow your aftercare guidelines.

What Should I Do After Surgery To Recover Faster? 

To recover from your eyelid lift as quickly as possible, you need to make taking care of yourself your top priority. You need to rest whenever you feel tired, and try to sleep for at least nine hours in a row every night. You can also help your recovery along by applying a cold compress to your eyes very gently for roughly 20 minutes at a time. This should be done multiple times daily with a clean, damp washcloth.

Another effective step you can take to speed up your recovery is to stick to a nourishing, hydrating diet. It is essential that you stay hydrated throughout the recovery process if you are anxious to recover as quickly as possible. Your urine should be pale consistently, and if it’s not, you should drink more hydrating fluids or eat more foods with a high water content, like fruits and vegetables. Additionally, you need to ensure your diet includes plenty of: 

Will I Need To Take Any Medication After Surgery? 

Yes, you will need to take medication after your eyelid lift. It is extremely important that you take a full course of antibiotics exactly as directed during the first week of your recovery. This mitigates the risk of infection. Additionally, you may need to keep your eyes moist and comfortable with prescription eye drops.

Moreover, you may want to take prescription analgesics to ensure your comfort during the first few days following surgery. Just make sure that you do not exceed the recommended daily dose, and do not take NSAIDs.  

What Should I Avoid After My Procedure? 

During your initial consultation, we will advise you on everything you should avoid during the early stages of your recovery process. One of the most important things to avoid is strenuous physical activity. Besides not getting any vigorous exercise for at least a week after your procedure, you need to avoid bending over. Additionally, you need to avoid consuming anything that will increase your blood pressure, like alcohol, cigarettes, and excessive caffeine quantities.

Alcohol and nicotine consumption can decrease your recovery rate significantly. Therefore, it is highly advisable to not consume these substances for at least two weeks following your procedure. You also need to avoid excessive sun exposure for at least a few weeks following your procedure. Make sure you wear sunglasses when you go outside, wear a brimmed hat or visor, and wear sunscreen.

When Will I Be Able To Wear Eye Makeup? 

You will be able to wear eye makeup eight or more days following your procedure. How soon you can get back to wearing your favorite cosmetics depends on how quickly your recovery progresses. However, you should definitely not apply any eye makeup within the first week following your procedure.

Can I Swim After Surgery? 

No, you will not be able to swim for at least two weeks following your procedure. It is of the utmost importance that you keep your incisions dry while they are healing. This means that you also will need to take care when bathing to keep your upper face dry. You may want to use dry shampoo to clean your hair for the first two weeks post-op, so you don’t accidentally get water on your eyelids.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

You will be mostly recovered from your eyelid lift after one or two weeks. However, it may be up to three months before you can enjoy your optimal results. How long your recovery will take depends on several factors, including the scope of your procedure and adherence to recovery guidelines. If you think this procedure may be a good fit for you, contact us now at New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center in Weymouth, MA to schedule your initial consultation.

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