New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center

How Quickly Does Botox Start to Work?

Botox is an injectable muscle relaxant used to address such cosmetic concerns as forehead folds, frown lines, sagging eyelids, and crow’s feet. At New England Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center in Boston, MA, we’re excited to offer this treatment due to its safety, efficacy, and rapidly appearing results. To help you find out whether this treatment is right for you, read on to discover how quickly it starts to work, how long the results last, and much more.

How Quickly Does Botox Start to Work? 

It is important to understand that individual results vary, but you should not be surprised if you start to see your Botox results after just a couple of days. This is because the injectable muscle relaxant starts to work right away, spreading throughout your area of concern and binding to some of the motor receptors in the area. Just keep in mind that it can take up to four days for some people to start seeing their results.

Regarding your final results, several factors affect how long you will have to wait before you are satisfied with your appearance. For example, if you are treating severe muscle hyperactivity, you may need a couple of treatment sessions spaced several days apart to achieve your desired results. Assuming you only need one treatment session, you can feel pretty confident that your results will be satisfactory after roughly 10 to 14 days.

For How Long Can I Expect My Ideal Results to Remain? 

If you have never received this type of treatment before, the final results of your treatment may only last for a couple of months. However, the longevity of this treatment can generally be expected to increase after repeated sessions.

It is perfectly common for results to last for up to six months, especially when smaller muscles are being treated. Just remember that individual results vary, and smaller doses should be required for subsequent treatments if you come in for a follow-up appointment as soon as you notice your results starting to fade. The smaller the requisite dose is, the fewer injections you will receive. The fewer injections you receive, the quicker your appointment will be.

How Long Will My Treatment Session Take? 

You can usually expect your treatment session to take between 30 and 45 minutes, but the length of your treatment depends significantly on the size of your areas of concern and the severity of your cosmetic concerns. We administer this medication with a tiny needle, so your treatment won’t hurt. You will, however, feel a little bit of pressure as the needle punctures your epidermis.

If needles make you feel a little uncomfortable, we can numb the treatment area prior to your injections. However, it may take between 10 and 15 minutes for the medication to take full effect.

Am I a Good Candidate for This Treatment? 

To determine whether you are a good candidate for Botox injections, we need to evaluate your health and discuss your cosmetic concerns. If you are an adult and in fairly good health, there is a pretty good chance that you will be considered a good fit for this anti-aging treatment. However, not all healthy adults qualify. For example, regardless of how healthy you are, you will be considered a poor fit for this treatment if you have volume loss-related concerns.

Also, you need to be willing and able to comply with all preparation and post-treatment instructions. For instance, it is crucial that your skin is not irritated at the time of your appointment. Therefore, you must be able to avoid sun and wind damage in the weeks leading up to your appointment. You also need to refrain from any skincare treatments that will irritate your areas of concern.

What Post-Treatment Instructions Will I Need to Follow? 

We will provide you with a comprehensive set of post-treatment guidelines during your initial consultation. These rules will be reviewed again once your treatment is over to ensure that you have no questions or concerns. One of the most important post-treatment instructions is to not do anything that will irritate your skin for one week following your injection session. This includes mechanical exfoliation and hair removal.

Another important post-treatment rule is to not apply too much pressure to the treatment area. For this reason, you should sleep on your back until the medication has had a chance to spread throughout the treatment area. Your results may be affected if too much pressure is applied to the area that was treated. Also, you should strongly consider helping the medication spread by constricting your treated muscles 120 times per day.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

Botox starts to work immediately, but it will take anywhere from two to four days before you start seeing your wrinkles relax away. From there, it can take up to two weeks for the final results to become apparent, but some people can enjoy their ideal results after just 10 days. If you think you could benefit from this injectable muscle relaxant treatment, contact us now at New England Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center in Boston, MA to book an appointment.

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