New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center

Not Just Cosmetic: The Medical Benefits of Rhinoplasty


Rhinoplasty or a nose job is a surgical procedure that reshapes the nose. It offers a lot of options such as making the nose smaller or larger, changing the angle of the nose related to the lips, tilting the tip up or down, removing bumps, filling indentations and correcting any other defects. Many people consider this a cosmetic procedure that will improve their appearance. While this is true, there are also medical benefits of having a nose-job.

Rhinoplasty is considered corrective surgery when it is required for reconstruction after an accident, or to help a person breathe easier. Some of the most common medical uses for a nose job are:


There are many people who have trouble breathing through their nose. They may revert to breathing through their mouths to feel comfortable, but this will bring other problems. When children can’t breathe easily, they often breathe through their mouths and never know why until they are older. Septoplasty is a common procedure used to help people who have a deviated septum. Children may have this and not realize it. Even adults may suffer from it and not realize that their breathing can be made much easier with a small surgery. It’s worth asking a professional to find out if septoplasty can help improve the quality of your life.


Breathing problems are one of the main factors that contribute to interrupted sleep. If you don’t get a good night’s sleep, you won’t be able to function well during the day, and it could affect your judgment and work. From mild snoring to sleep apnea, rhinoplasty could make a big difference. Sleep apnea is a very serious condition. There are non-surgical treatments, but they may be bulky and difficult to use. In some cases, revision or corrective surgery may be the best treatment to help you and your partner get a good night’s sleep. A trained and certified plastic surgeon can reconstruct your nasal passages to improve the air flow greatly.


Another important medical reason for having a rhinoplasty is if your nose has been broken and misshapen while playing sports, through a car accident or for another reason. If you need surgery to correct a broken nose, you should get immediate medical attention and wait until the nose is healed, and the swelling has gone down. A certified plastic surgeon can remove cartilage, add tissue from another part of the body or add synthetic filler to reshape the nose. Once the new nose is built, skin and tissue can be draped over it, and supports are added to make sure it heals in the proper shape.

Whether you are getting a nose job to correct a breathing problem, reconstruct a broken nose or open your air passages, you can take advantage of the surgeon’s expertise and redesign you nose in the process if that appeals to you.

At New England Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center, we’ll work with you to help give you the nose you want and that functions as it should. Our medical team, led by Dr. John Lazor, will go over all of your options with you, and we’ll create a treatment plan that works for you. Contact New England Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center today to schedule your consultation.

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