New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center

Obagi Products and 5 Common Myths About Skincare

Obagi products

If your eyes are the window to your soul, then your skin is the window to your health.  After all, the accumulated effects of sun exposure, aging, poor diet, pollution, and stress will all have their impact on your complexion. Fortunately, our team at New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center offers various skin resurfacing treatments and topical products, including Obagi products, to help you maintain youthful-looking skin. Below is a list of 5 common myths about skincare:

Myth 1: Skip Moisturizer If You Have Oily Skin

While it may sound counterintuitive, applying moisturizer to your oily skin after washing prevents it from over-compensating. Take note that when you strip away all the beneficial oils, your body will produce more sebum, which in turn predisposes you to breakouts. When you have oily skin, stick to non-comedogenic moisturizers, meaning they do not clog up the pores, which is known to increase the chance of acne.

Myth 2: You Don’t Need Sunscreen During Cold Weather

Don’t be misled by the dropping temperature.  In fact, the use of sunscreen may even be more important during winter than summertime because snow reflects more UV radiation than sand (80 percent vs. 25 percent). Simply put, lather up with a sunscreen with high SPF even during winter and on cloudy days.

Myth 3: Invest Only in Anti-Aging Skincare When You See Wrinkles

The best skincare regimen takes a very proactive approach.  Consequently, instead of treating wrinkles and signs of photoaging (damages caused by the accumulated effects of sun exposure), why not prevent them in the first place? A good rule of thumb is to use products that offer sun protection and are designed to target facial lines and wrinkles.  This will allow you to hang on to your youthful visage longer than your peers.

Myth 4: Hot Water Promotes Clear Skin

Hot water strips away your skin’s natural oils, which can have any of these two detrimental effects: oilier and acne-prone skin as your body over-compensates for the depleted oil, or dry and leathery skin that makes you extra sensitive to the elements.

Myth 5: Your Diet Has No or Very Little Effect on Your Skin

Take note that a poor diet not just affects your waistline, but it can also result in a dull complexion and increased predisposition to skin problems.

Obagi Products to the Rescue!

To learn more about the right skincare regimen based on your skin type and condition, as well as how to use Obagi products, talk to the specialists at New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center in Weymouth, MA.  Contact us today to book a consultation!

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