New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center

When to Consider Blepharoplasty


Are you insecure about your drooping eyelids? Blepharoplasty could be right for you. Blepharoplasty is commonly referred to as eyelid surgery. Sagging eyelids can lead to a lowered self esteem or even blocked vision when the skin obstructs your sight. Whether you wish to tighten your eyes for cosmetic reasons or to help your sight, our medical team at the New England Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center can help.

As you age, your skin will start to become loose and the muscles in your face will become weaker. It happens all across the face, and it usually causes lines and wrinkles to show up. The eyelids are no exception. The impact loose skin has on the eyelids is that it causes them to droop over the eye. The lower ones can also start to pull away from the eye and expose more of the whites of your eyes. This can lead to a lowered self-confidence.

During the procedure, our double board-certified surgeon, Dr. Lazor, can remove excess skin from the eyelids in order to tighten the skin and eliminate the drooping. Some muscle and fatty tissue can also be removed. How much depends on the severity of the problem. The procedure can be done in the comfort of our office in Weymouth. Once the procedure is over, you will need to follow the recovery guidelines laid out for you by our medical team. There may be some mild swelling that can be controlled with the use of cold packs after surgery. This should dissipate on its own with time.

You may be a good candidate for the procedure if you are in basically good health with no active eye infections or other problems going on. If you are concerned with the way drooping eyelids are making you look and you want a younger-looking eye appearance, you may be able to benefit from the procedure. You may also be a candidate for the procedure if you are having trouble with your side vision because the eyelids are blocking your sight.

To find out how you can benefit from blepharoplasty, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Lazor at the New England Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center. Our medical team would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you have about the procedure. Our office is located in Weymouth. If you’re tired of your drooping eyelids and want to tighten them, blepharoplasty may be right for you! Contact us today to make an appointment!

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