New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center

Where Can Xeomin Be Used?

Do you feel like frown lines steal your smile?  Do you feel self-conscious about wrinkles and lines across your forehead or between your eyebrows?  Have you noticed permanent crow’s feet coming out of the corners of your eyes?  If so, Xeomin may be right for you. Today, our experts at New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center in Weymouth, MA are discussing everything you need to know about this treatment, including where it can be used.

What Is Xeomin?

Xeomin is an FDA-approved injectable muscle relaxant that can erase “permanent” lines and folds from your face for months at a time. It is similar to Botox in that its active ingredient is a neurotoxic protein. However, it differs in that it does not feature unnecessary proteins. This makes it far more effective than other neurotoxic anti-aging treatments.

Also, it makes treatment effective for life. Other neurotoxic protein treatments stop being effective over time because the body recognizes the extra proteins and quickly mounts an immune response to the injected toxin.

Where Can It Be Used?

Xeomin is most commonly used to treat the upper half of the face because that region contains the largest, strongest, most active muscles. Particularly, the glabellar muscles in the forehead and the muscles between the eyebrows are common areas targeted for treatment.

Since these muscles are so large, strong, and frequently used, the forehead and eyebrow region are usually the first two regions to develop dynamic wrinkles and folds. At first, these lines may be mild, but they will deepen over time. Also, they will deepen when you raise your eyebrows or frown.


The forehead plays an extensive role in expressing emotions. Therefore, it is a prime location for the development of dynamic wrinkles. Frown lines can start to develop in the early 20s and make young adults look far older than they are. Luckily, with Xeomin, the deepest dynamic forehead folds, including frown lines, can be erased.

Eye Region

The eye region is another region that commonly experiences dynamic wrinkles. It is easier for the wrinkled underlying muscles to be seen through the thin skin around the eyes, and your eyes are used almost constantly 15 hours per day.

Crow’s feet can be caused by any sort of eye movement, including squinting, smiling, and blinking. Also, they can affect self-confidence significantly because they are very difficult to conceal. With this injectable muscle relaxant, you can smile with confidence and don’t have to worry about looking older than your age when you squint.


Your eyebrows are in near-constant movement throughout the day, so it should come as no surprise that the muscle between the brows is a prime location for dynamic wrinkles. These deep lines can make you look angry or otherwise upset even if you feel neutral or happy.

How Long Do the Results of This Treatment Last?

The results of this treatment usually last for three to four months. However, it may be roughly six months before your results fade to the point that you feel the need for a maintenance session. Also, you should be aware that your results will last longer if you schedule regular maintenance sessions.

How Do These Results Compare to a Facelift?

The results of this injectable muscle relaxant are comparable to the results of a facelift. Facelifts are effective, but not right for everyone because the qualification requirements are extremely stringent. Also, there is a lot of preparation and recovery required before and after a brow lift or other cosmetic procedure.

How Does This Treatment Work?

Xeomin features the active ingredient incobotulinumtoxinA, a refined bacterial toxin that is completely safe and very effective. This treatment is designed to treat dynamic wrinkles, lines, and folds exclusively. These cosmetic concerns are caused by excessive muscle contractions, do not fade without a muscle relaxant treatment, and deepen when you emote.

Contrary to static wrinkles, which are not affected by muscle contractions, dynamic wrinkles can be treated reliably with neurotoxic protein injections.  The neurotoxic protein is administered into five strategic locations per region using a small syringe. This provides results that become apparent just five to 10 days after treatment. Contrastingly, other injectable muscle relaxants provide results that can only be seen after 10 to 14 days.

Do I Qualify for This Treatment?

If you’re at least 21 years of age and concerned about the appearance of dynamic wrinkles, you may qualify for this treatment. To ensure you are healthy enough to receive this treatment, we will discuss your health and the medications you are currently taking. You must be able to stop taking oral muscle relaxants, blood thinners, certain sleep aids, and other drugs temporarily.

Reach Out Today to Learn More

Dynamic lines and wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process, but you don’t need to live with them. With Xeomin, you can quickly and easily erase dynamic wrinkles for months at a time. If you’re interested in learning more about this non-invasive anti-aging treatment, reach out to us today at New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center in Weymouth, MA to schedule your initial consultation. We look forward to meeting you.

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