New England Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center

Will My Ears Relax After Otoplasty?

Many individuals are born with protruding or prominent ears, causing embarrassment and low self-esteem. New England Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center in Weymouth, MA offers a cosmetic surgery called otoplasty to combat such struggles. Designed to make ears less prominent and noticeable, otoplasty can help reshape ears in only a few weeks, restoring self-confidence and helping you feel like your best self.

Will My Ears Relax After Otoplasty?

‘Ear Relaxation’

‘Ear relaxation,’ is the fear that ears might return to the natural state they had before the surgery. There are several reasons that your ears might seem to ‘relax.’ However, none of these should be cause for concern. Any change of position in the ear after surgery is minimal and normally due to natural growth.

Stitching May Loosen

An otoplasty is performed by attaching the ear closer to the side of the head through careful stitching. As you age, the stitch made to the side of your head might loosen slightly, allowing the cartilage of the ear to move towards its previous position. This movement is usually very small, however, and a complete return to the previous position is rare.

Normal Growth

This surgery is often performed on children when ears are not yet adult size. Otoplasty does not inhibit the natural growth of the ear as the child grows toward adulthood, and the ear will develop accordingly. While the effects of the surgery will remain, the ear may increase in size, but only as the ear matures.

Effects of Age on Cartilage

The cartilage making up our ears will loosen with time. Cartilage is a connective tissue that gives ears, nose, tendons, and knuckles their elastic, yet strong nature. Over time as we age, that cartilage loses some of its firmness. While this will not counteract the results of an otoplasty, you can expect to have bigger ears as you grow older, just as every person will.

Successful Surgery

Fear of ear relaxation should not stop you from considering an ear surgery. While slight movement may occur after surgery, a full return is very rare. Hundreds of successful surgeries are performed every day. In fact, because of its success rate and quick recovery process, this surgery has received the highest patient satisfaction reports among cosmetic procedures.

To ensure the best results, pay careful attention to your ears, and rest for at least a week after surgery. Some basic ear care tips include:

Be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions before and after surgery.

Start Your Journey Towards the New You

New England Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center is dedicated to providing satisfactory cosmetic surgeries. We have performed many ear surgeries and have a very high success rate. We would love to help you achieve your cosmetic goals. Contact us at New England Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center in Weymouth, MA to schedule your consultation today.

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