Skin moles are very common for both children and adults. Sometimes referred to as “beauty marks” or “birthmarks,” moles are rarely a problem other than a cosmetic one, though sometimes they can be a sign of certain forms of skin cancer. For many people, moles are in highly visible areas of the body, such as the face and neck. Mole removal is an easy process that can be done right here at the New England Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center.
Most of the time, moles are simply benign growth of pigment cells. They may start out as brown spots but eventually grow and end up as a raised bump on the skin’s surface. Most moles occur during childhood, but sometimes adults will find new moles on their bodies. Some can also result from sun exposure and damage. Since they are rarely a health concern, mole removal is often just a cosmetic choice, especially for moles on the face, neck, and other visible skin areas.
Sun damage can also cause moles to develop. These kinds of moles fall into two categories: typical and atypical. Typical moles are defined as having consistent color –brown, tan, or the same color as your skin — with well-defined edges in a round or oval shape, and a small size, usually less than quarter of an inch in diameter. Typical moles are also flat or slightly “domed.” Atypical moles are different. They are often irregularly shaped, can be more than one color, have an uneven texture or surface, less defined edges, and are larger than a quarter of an inch in diameter.
Most people consider having their mole(s) removed for one of three reasons: the mole is bothersome or uncomfortable (ex: it rubs against clothing), the mole is cosmetically displeasing, or the mole is potentially a health problem. But regardless of the reason, the removal itself is really very simple.
There are two main methods for removing moles: surgical excision and surgical shaves. In an excision, the entire mole is cut out and the skin is stitched closed. Shaving moles involves the use of a special surgical blade — never attempt to shave a mole off at home. Dermatologists and other plastic and cosmetic surgery specialists are the only ones who should be trusted with mole removal.
At the New England Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center, we can take care of your mole removal needs right here in our office. The procedure is simple and done with only local anesthesia. Dr. Lazor also makes removal incisions in a precise way so that the scar is hidden or camouflaged by natural skin creases. And, of course, if your mole indicates any kind of health concern, it will be sent for a full pathology review.
For more information on mole removal, call our office today.