Juvederm is a dermal filler that provides a temporary solution to the signs of aging you see across your face. Whether you want to try Juvederm for the first time or you’re ready for another round of injections to maintain your results, Dr. John B. Lazor and the skincare professionals at New England Cosmetic and Laser Center in Weymouth, Massachusetts are here to help.
What Is Juvederm?
Juvederm is a dermal filler and an FDA-approved anti-aging treatment in the form of an injection that is inserted into different areas of the face. This treatment temporarily reduces the signs of aging on your face. It primarily helps restore volume to the areas of the face that have visible volume loss due to aging, with the most common area being the cheeks.
Will I Get Results?
The results from Juvederm are temporary, meaning it is not a one-time treatment, but as far as temporary treatments go, they are long-lasting. Results can last as long as a full year post-injection. The results are also immediate, meaning you will see a difference in how you look immediately following your appointment. You don’t have to wait a few weeks or 30 days for results to appear: you’ll notice them right away.
Will I Still Look Like Myself?
You don’t need to worry about looking like an entirely different person following your treatment. You also don’t have to worry about your face being frozen. Everything will still work and move the same way it did when you walked into the office. The resulting effects of Juvederm injections are natural and subtle. You will look like you, just a refreshed, younger version of you.
How Often Do I Need Injections?
How often you return for treatments is entirely up to you. One treatment alone will provide significant, positive results, and will treat your areas of concern. Some patients come in for one treatment, while others come back for a follow-up session a few months after their first series of injections. How often you come in is entirely up to you. If you’re unsure about when and how often to come back, we will help create a treatment plan that will give you the best and longest-lasting results.
What Do I Need to Avoid After My Appointment?
The benefit of having a noninvasive anti-aging treatment like Juvederm done is that there is no downtime. You can go back home or back to work, or even to the mall right after your appointment. However, the first 24 hours following your injections are the most critical. By following a few simple directives like avoiding the sun, alcohol, and strenuous exercise, you can rest assured that you will get the best results possible. Knowing what you need to avoid will help you plan your appointment accordingly.
Stay Out of the Sun
Right after your treatment is not the time to sunbathe. For those first 24 hours, avoid the sun altogether and try to keep most of your activities indoors, if possible. If you’re planning a trip to somewhere sunny, don’t schedule your appointment for the day before you leave. If you know there is something you need to attend where full-sun is likely, plan accordingly and schedule around it. Doing so will help you get the most out of your treatment.
Stay Out of the Gym
You should avoid high-impact exercise following your injections. For example, don’t do a spin class or a Bootcamp class during those first 24 hours. Limit exercise to non-strenuous activities, such as low-impact walking or stretching. If you don’t want to miss a workout, plan your appointment accordingly and just be sure there are 24 hours between leaving your treatment and returning to the gym.
Avoid Heat Exposure
Immediately following your appointment is the time to stay away from anything that exposes you to heat. For example, don’t go sit in a sauna or a steam room. Also, avoid spending time in hot tubs and anywhere that is just plain hot for excessive periods of time. If you have a pool party you just can’t miss, stick to the pool and avoid the hot tub (and stay out of the sun while you are there!).
Skip Happy Hour
You’ll want to avoid alcohol for the first 24 hours following your appointment. If you have an event where this simply isn’t possible, plan your appointment around it. If you have weekend or weeknight plans that involve alcohol, consult your calendar and schedule around them. Make sure there are 24 hours between your appointment and your event. Doing so will give you the best of both worlds–you’ll get your anti-aging treatments and still be able to enjoy your life without missing a beat.
Now that you know that Juvederm requires no downtime and the list of things you need to avoid following your injections is short, don’t wait any longer to get your treatments underway. Contact us at New England Cosmetic and Laser Center in Weymouth, Massachusetts and schedule your appointment today. We’ll help take years off of your face, and when you walk out of our office, you’ll look and feel years younger than you did when you first walked in.