Aging is inevitable. Whether it's grey hair, lines, or wrinkles, you've earned the right to flaunt everything you've earned throughout your life. That doesn't mean you can't turn the clock back, though. If you've been wanting to smooth out some lines and improve your facial contouring, consider giving Belotero a try. What is Belotero? Belotero is a gel that's injected into the skin to fill … [Read more...]
Reasons to Start Laser Treatments in the Winter
Shaving and waxing your hair throughout the summer can be an expensive and time-consuming process. Even more unfortunate is the fact that these hair removal options often have to be carried out multiple times a week to keep your skin as smooth as possible. For those that would like to enjoy hair-free skin throughout the year, the winter is an excellent time to start laser hair removal … [Read more...]
Gentle, Effective Acne Treatment with SmoothBeam Laser
If you’re looking for gentle, effective acne treatment, then SmoothBeam is something to consider. One of the newest and most powerful tools that dermatologists have available, the SmoothBeam laser capable of reducing the appearance of active acne, acne scars, wrinkles and fine lines. By stimulating the natural production of collagen, it can treat several issues related to acne. One of the … [Read more...]
Benefits of Our Mini Facelift or Weekend Lift
Mini facelift surgery, or weekend lift, is one of the most popular kinds of facelift surgery that cosmetic surgeons perform today. It erases fine lines and wrinkles and addresses sagging skin on the patient’s lower third of their face with small incisions placed near the ears. It is meant to restore lost definition to the chin by eliminating excess skin by tightening the leftover tissue. At New … [Read more...]
Not Just Cosmetic: The Medical Benefits of Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty or a nose job is a surgical procedure that reshapes the nose. It offers a lot of options such as making the nose smaller or larger, changing the angle of the nose related to the lips, tilting the tip up or down, removing bumps, filling indentations and correcting any other defects. Many people consider this a cosmetic procedure that will improve their appearance. While this is true, … [Read more...]
Protecting Yourself From Skin Cancer This Summer
Many people enjoy getting some sun, especially during the spring and summer. While sunlight makes people feel good, too much of it can be dangerous. Every year, over 3.5 million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed, and over 90 percent of those are caused by the sun's ultraviolet rays. Excess sun also causes the skin damage typically associated with aging like wrinkles and discoloration. Given that, … [Read more...]
What to Expect during Mole Removal
You may be afraid anytime you are getting a medical procedure, but you have nothing to worry about when it comes to mole removal. The entire process is done painlessly in a matter of moments. We will give you a numbing agent a few minutes before the mole removal begins. You will be awake during the procedure, but you will still feel absolutely nothing. If you get squeamish easily, then it is … [Read more...]
Restoring a Youthful Appearance with a Facelift
As you get older, you probably notice more changes in the way your face looks. Crow’s feet, sagging skin on the jaw line and drooping eyelids are often the most visible signs of aging. While the natural aging process cannot be stopped, a facelift procedure can help put it on pause. A facelift is a simple and effective surgical procedure that tightens the face and leaves you looking brighter, … [Read more...]
Laser Treatments to Reduce Acne, Wrinkles, and Scars
In the past decade, laser cosmetic surgery has become very popular in the reduction of acne, wrinkles, and scars. The power of laser surgery has been harnessed to assist cosmetic surgery. Medical lasers are focused beams of light that are used to correct problems in human tissue. Lasers are favored by surgeons because they allow them to be more precise than ever before. At New England Cosmetic … [Read more...]
Laser Treatments for Rosacea
Rosacea is a condition that causes the blood vessels in the face to enlarge, giving the nose and cheeks a flushed appearance. People with rosacea may also develop red bumps on their face. Anyone can develop rosacea, but it is much more common in people who have fair skin. Currently, there is no cure available for rosacea, but there are treatment options designed to maintain its … [Read more...]